NACoA is a proud recipient of the 2022 Alkermes Inspiration Grants® program; funding the Children Deserve Recovery, Too! program.

Grants were awarded to nine nonprofit organizations working to address the needs of people living with alcohol dependence, opioid dependence, schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder and cancer. The selected programs also have a focus on addressing unmet needs in historically under-resourced or underrepresented communities with longstanding and widespread health disparities.

“This year’s Alkermes Inspiration Grants recipients inspire us with their innovative approaches to providing critical support for people living with addiction, serious mental illness or cancer, as well as their caregivers and family members. These organizations have the potential to positively impact people across the  U.S.  and offer an opportunity to engage diverse communities in new ways,” said  Richard Pops , Chief Executive Officer of Alkermes.

Nearly 250 applications were submitted for this highly competitive program. Submissions were evaluated based on a set of criteria outlined in the request for proposals, including clearly defined needs, objectives, activity format, mode of delivery and intended audience, and relevance to historically under-resourced or underrepresented communities. Grant recipients were selected by a committee that included senior leaders from Alkermes and individuals from outside the organization chosen to represent the perspectives of people with lived experience, caregivers and patient advocates.

“Alkermes’ desire to support high-impact programs that can help those affected by addiction, cancer and serious mental illness came through clearly throughout the review process. I was impressed with the purposeful and collaborative effort, and the particular focus on supporting underserved communities and regions across the country,” commented committee member  Sharon Slade , Chief Marketing Officer,  Cancer Research Institute .

ABOUT Children Deserve Recovery, Too!

The Children Deserve Recovery, Too! program seeks to deliver NACoA’s Children Program Kit training on-demand to 40 community-based youth-serving nonprofits in historically under-resourced and underrepresented communities with high rates of alcohol or opioid use disorder. Children living with a parent or caregiver who has alcohol or opioid use disorder are at high risk for experiencing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), making them vulnerable to lifelong negative mental and physical health consequences. Early prevention and intervention are key for addressing this systemic issue, and this program will provide proven, trauma-sensitive, culturally informed educational support programs to mitigate the impact of ACEs.

Take advantage of this limited opportunity to bring children’s recovery to your community!  Partner with us to help bring hope and healing to under-resourced and underrepresented communities serving children affected by alcohol and/or opioid use disorder.

Learn More about the Children Deserve Recovery, Too! program and Apply>>     Deadline for submission: November 15, 2022


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