​No. They can be young, old, rich, poor, male, female, and any race or religion.​
Have a parent who drinks too much or uses drugs? You don't have to go through it alone.
Please don’t forget these four facts. They come in handy when you least suspect it.
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Alcohol use disorder is a disease. People with the disease have lost control over their drinking and cannot stop without help. They also lose control over how they act when they are drunk.​
Doctors don’t know all the reasons why people suffer from alcohol use disorder. Some start out drinking a little bit and end up hooked on alcohol. A person might drink to forget problems or to calm nerves, but then they end up needing alcohol to feel normal. Once a person loses control over drinking, he or she needs help to stop drinking.​
At first, the person with alcohol or substance use disorder is not aware that they are ill. Even when they become aware that something is wrong, they may not believe that alcohol or drugs are the problems. They might keep blaming things on other people, or might blame their job, or the house, or whatever. But, really, it’s the alcohol that’s the biggest problem.​
​No. They can be young, old, rich, poor, male, female, and any race or religion.​
​No. It is important to know that someone with an alcohol or drug use disorder needs help to stop drinking or using drugs, but no one can be forced to accept the help, no matter how hard you try or what you do. It is also important to know that family members by themselves cannot provide the help that that person needs. They need the help of people trained to treat the disease.​
About eleven million children in our country are growing up with at least one parent with alcohol use disorder. There are probably a few in your class right now. And remember, some adults grew up with these types of parents too.
Talk to someone you trust about the problem. Talk to a teacher, a scout leader, a coach, a school counselor. Also, there is a group for kids who have parents with alcohol use disorder called “Alateen.” Alateen has meetings, like a club, and the kids share tips on how to make life easier. Find a meeting in your area by checking their online directory. Or you can search on the internet for Alateen and include your city, county or state. Someone at Al-Anon answer line – (757) 563-1600 – can probably tell you how to find the meetings too. Ask at school if there are any Alateen groups or school-sponsored support groups. If you have access to the internet, search “Alateen” together with the name of your county.
There is no cure for alcohol use disorder except stopping the disease process by stopping the drinking. People with alcohol use disorder who have completely stopped drinking refer to themselves as being “sober” and in “recovery.” People in recovery can lead healthy, happy, productive lives.​
Alateen is part of Al‑Anon Family Groups. Alateen is a fellowship of young Al-Anon members, usually teenagers, whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Alateen groups are sponsored by Al-Anon members who help the group to stay on track. You can learn more about Alateen meetings and read about others’ experiences at Teen Corner.
Alateen offers help for young people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Sometimes the active drinking has stopped, or the active drinker may not live in the household anymore. Even if the alcoholic is receiving treatment, or has moved out, we are still affected. Here are frequently asked questions to help decide whether or not Alateen is for you.
it’s very difficult when one (or both) of your parents has a drinking problem. It affecdts how you are treated and shapes your world. This newsletter features articles written by Alateen members, sharing their experience as children of alcoholics and the ways that Alateen impacted and improved their lives.​
Young people aged 13 to 18 who have been affected by someone else’s drinking are invited to share experience, strength, and hope with other teens at Alateen Chat Meetings. Meetings are moderated, and teens can only chat when adult Alateen Group Sponsors are present. At this time, chat meetings can only be accessed on a computer (rather than on mobile devices). Check out the
Check for meetings in your area. Or, you can search on the internet for Alateen and include your city, county or state. You can also email questions to wso@al-anon.org. When Alateen meetings are not available in your community, family members who are 12 years or older may attend a regular Al-Anon Family Group or Al-Anon adult children of alcoholics group meetings.
When you go to a meeting for the first time, you will probably see some signs helping direct you to the room. If not, don’t be afraid to ask someone. Usually people are very helpful, and you may ask someone who is going to the meeting as well.
Alateen materials reprinted with permission., AFG, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA
Locating a meeting in the US. US, Canada or Puerto Rico. Note: When Alateen meetings are not available in their community, younger family members who are over 12 years old may attend a regular family group. You can also call 888-425-2666 (888-4AL-ANON) Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST for information in Canada and the US. or email .