NACoA is always grateful to our educators: professionals who spend so much time during the day with children who many fondly refer to as “my kids.” Their passionate instruction, care for students, routine encouragement, and ongoing support is so vital for all children, but being a “safe, caring adult” in the lives of kids & teens impacted by parental addiction additionally allows their involvement with children to be transformative. Educators have the ability to develop resiliency in children living with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), potentially traumatic experiences that are constantly anxiety-inducing.

This school year, many new educators to the field are preparing for their first school year and may not be as familiar with supporting the diversity of concerns facing children today.  NACoA’s Kit for Educators is designed to help educators discover how alcohol or other substance addictions affect the family, and how to offer the support these children need so desperately on a daily basis. Share this valuable resource with the teachers in your community – as well as other staff in your schools such as administration, guidance counselors, lunch aides, and janitors who touch the lives of students every day.

To access NACoA’s Kit for Educators>>
