Training and Consultation for Celebrating Families! and ¡Celebrando Familias!

The Celebrating Families! (CF!) and ¡Celebrando Familias!, for Spanish-speaking families, Group Leader training is for professionals and potential volunteers who are interested in learning how to implement this 16-session evidence-based support group model for families affected by addiction. This 2 ½ day training program provides the framework for a program site planning to offer CF!. Trainings introduce fundamentals unique to the program, and some of the complex challenges and subtle nuances sites may encounter when facilitating sessions with diverse families, with children of varying ages, throughout the 16 weeks.

Participants will learn more about the curriculum, begin planning exercises from the sessions, and present a few exercises to the group. It is generally suggested for a site to host the training at least 2-6 weeks before starting the first cycle of the program.

Trainings are available in-person, or virtually, and can train for the in-person, hybrid, or virtual facilitation. For virtual programs, trainings help provide experience with a variety of methods to engage with families when providing sessions.

Staff and volunteers who will lead groups will receive customized feedback for the community goals of the program. Activities during the training put facilitators in the position of program participants, to experience firsthand what families will encounter during program cycles and to study common outbursts and management styles that successfully navigate delicate emotions of individuals and family units. Social workers, administration, agency staff and program volunteers can come together for team building as well as program skill building throughout the training.


NACoA provides consultation services in 3-hour bundles for $600. This time can be used in whatever way is most supportive for your program: administrative support, contribution during team meetings, guidance in setting up a new program, consultation after the first cycle of the program has been completed, guidance when planning the data collection/evaluation process.


Organizations/agencies with experience (candidates must have led at least two cycles, one cycle leading a children’s group and one cycle leading an adult group) may consider arranging a Train the Trainer program for their area. The training includes detailed instructions for candidates, who will actually be guided through a group leader training for additional facilitators to enrich/expand the CF! program.

Criteria for Train the Trainer:

-Must be a certified Celebrating Families! Group Leader

-Must have been a group leader for the parents’ group, for the entire 16 week program

-Must have been a group leader for one of the children’s groups, for the entire 16 week program

Candidates who become a certified site trainer equip your organization/agency with a valuable Celebrating Families! expert  who can support and grow your CF! team to improve the stability of your program.

Contact NACoA to discuss a training for Celebrating Families!¡Celebrando Familias!, or the Train the Trainer program, or consultation services.
