988 Life Line Now in Effect 

On July 16th, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline became 988. For mental health or substance use crisis emergency assistance, now you can dial just 3 numbers. Call, text or chat – in English and Spanish. Additionally, there is customized support for the deaf/hard of hearing. Trained mental health staff are available to address emotional and drug crisis intervention. 

Learn more or to access the social media toolkit>>

Protecting Children by Safeguarding Prescription Medications

With kids and teenagers home for summer vacation, it is a good time of year to ensure medications in the household are secured safely. The majority of teenagers who misuse prescription medicine are getting them from friends, family and acquaintances. Make sure to take some important steps to protect those you love:

Step 1: Monitor

For every prescription medication, note the number of pills in your bottle/pill packet, and keep track of refills. Be especially cautious of anxiety medications, sleeping aides, and potentially addictive medications.

Step 2: Secure

Store prescription medications the way you would other valuables, or things that could be a risk for your children. Avoid keeping medications on the kitchen counter, bedside table, or medicine cabinet.  When able, it is best to store all medicines, both prescription and over-the-counter, in a safe place, such as a locked cabinet your teen or his/her friends cannot access.

Step 3: Dispose

When medication is no longer needed, or expired, it is best to dispose the medication by taking it to a local collection site. Remove or mark out any personal information noted, and take advantage of designated drug take back days or contact your local police department for a list of other depositories. Avoid throwing away over the counter medications when children are in the home to reduce the awareness it has been thrown out, and when you do it is best to take out of packaging, mix with something undesirable like kitty litter or coffee grounds, and put in a zip lock bag.

To learn more, here are some additional resources:

Lock Your Meds https://www.lockyourmeds.org/ 

*This URL is currently experiencing connection difficulty via link, but can be copied/pasted into your browser to visit the website.

Against Medicine Abuse: Securing and Disposing Medications https://drugfree.org/article/safeguard-against-medicine-abuse-securing-and-disposing-medications/

About the Medicine Abuse Project https://drugfree.org/article/medicine-abuse-project-partners/

Rise in Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse Impacting Teens https://www.samhsa.gov/homelessness-programs-resources/hpr-resources/rise-prescription-drug-misuse-abuse-impacting-teens

ACES and Positive Childhood Experiences

Friday, July 29, 2022 11:15-12:30 PM ET

Presenter: Guest Faculty: Rebecca Bryan, DNP

Tired of only hearing about adverse childhood experiences? This workshop will explore the other side of the coin, exploring interventions that have the potential to shift outcomes.

If we want to be resilient, and to help others be resilient, we need to understand the protective and promotive factors that buffer the impact of trauma or adverse experiences. This knowledge helps us to build better relationships with our children, our families, and our communities.

Register Here>>

Spanish Resources for Latino Communities

NACoA is thrilled with an increase in requests for materials in Spanish to help support children and families impacted by addiction. Find our current list here >>

If you are aware of any additional resources that are good to add to the list, please forward to nacoa@nacoa.org.

SAMHSA Resource: Helping Girls and Young Women Stay Healthy by Avoiding Alcohol  

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently released a new resource with strategies for avoiding alcohol use and preventing the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD) in girls and young women. The flyer illustrates alcohol use and its consequences among girls and young women compared to boys and young men, as well as provides tips for parents, caregivers, and community members to help young women and girls avoid developing an AUD.

Find more resources on the prevention and reduction of underage drinking here >>  

Job Opportunity: NACoA Celebrating Families!TM Group Leader Trainer

With an increase in Celebrating Families! training needs, and more trainings provided online, it is time to expand our Group Leader training team!


  • Experienced Celebrating Families! Group Leader
  • Experience with adult & children’s groups
  • Celebrating Families! Train-the-trainer certified
  • Site trainer for 2+years
  • Virtual program implementation experience preferred

Contact NACoA Program Director Mary Beth Collins for more information.

Contact Us

nacoa@nacoa.org | 301.468.0985

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