Justice System Personnel


"All drug courts should be dealing with the whole family."

-Shannon M. Carey, Ph.D., Family Drug Court: Best Practices

Anyone employed in a Court System is aware of the staggering percentage (65%) of arrestees and inmates, who meet the criteria for substance abuse (National Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse). Within the population of parents who lose parental rights, there is also a significant percentage of parents with substance use and mental health disorders. (Children and Youth Services Review, in press) The correlation between court appearances and substance use disorders is remarkable. Many of these arrestees, inmates and parents who lose parental rights are addicted mothers and fathers, and/or they are the grown children of individuals who came from homes with alcohol or other drug problems.

What about the children of the arrestee or inmate or the children who now find themselves in foster care? They suffer many of the consequences of their parent’s actions, including the effects of substance use and/or mental health disorders.

Online Courses and Credits

NACoA is pleased to offer several options for professionals to complete desired and necessary training and accreditation online. Here are some of the more popular courses for Justice System Personnel, and you can click the See More link below to search, sort and view all available courses.

Coming Soon!

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Celebrating Families! ™ – Reducing Relapse and Recidivism through Whole Family Recovery

Celebrating Families!™ helps the whole family recover from the disease of addiction and have an opportunity to live a safe, healthy and happy life. Its focus is preventing children’s future addiction, as well as improving their mental and physical health. An evidence-based program, CF! has been shown by outside evaluators to strengthen recovery, improve family re-unification and increase healthy living skills for families impacted by substance use disorders. Listed on SAMHSA’s National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices, CF! is one of the few programs that engage all family members, addressing addiction, recovery and living skills in every session.
