Primary Care Providers

The Role of Primary Care Providers

Children of alcoholic and other drug abusing parents often come to the pediatrician, adolescent health or other primary care provider with recurring and vague symptoms, such as fatigue, abdominal pain, or musculoskeletal complaints, which may be indicative of psychosomatic illness. In addition, they may suffer from accidental injury, verbal abuse, physical abuse or sexual abuse associated with parental drinking or drug use. Poor communication, permissiveness, under-socialization, neglect and violence-all potentially devastating-are common in children who live in alcoholic families. Primary health practitioners can help reduce or prevent alcohol and other drug related impairment by providing education, identifying affected youth and families and by initiating early intervention.

Pediatricians, adolescent medicine specialists, family practitioners and others can act as important advocates for appropriate community and school-based prevention approaches and in educating patients and parent, ensuring that local programs are culturally relevant and appropriate for the various communities and populations they serve.

– Hoover Adger, Jr., MD


Online Courses & Credits

NACoA is pleased to offer several options for professionals to complete desired and necessary training and accreditation online. Here are some of the more popular courses for Primary Care Providers, and you can click the See All Courses link below to search, sort and view all available courses.

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Important Topics

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The Role of the Primary Care Physician

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Hurts Everyone in the Family

Guide for Healthcare Professionals

The Pain Antidote
