There’s something about spring that stirs a deep desire for change. Maybe it’s the longer days, the golden glow of sunsets stretching into the evening, or the birds returning with their morning songs. Perhaps it’s the way snow and ice finally give way, revealing the dormant grass beneath—waiting, just like us, for the warmth of the sun and the promise of renewal.

It’s around this time, a week or so after the clocks spring forward, that many of us feel the urge to open our windows and change the air. We declutter, deep clean, and purge closets of things we no longer use. This surge of energy—this seasonal reset—invites us to start fresh. But what if we extended this idea beyond our homes? What if we also made space in our hearts and minds for something new?

Too often, we carry the weight of bitterness, resentment, jealousy, and anger without realizing how much space they take up. Sometimes, we silently agree to this burden without even realizing it. We hold onto hurtful memories, old disappointments, and regrets—things that, like cluttered attics, gather dust and no longer serve us. Spring gives us the perfect opportunity to release these burdens and replace them with something better: forgiveness, gratitude, humility, and love.

For those of us who have experienced deep struggles—perhaps growing up in a home affected by substance use disorders — the changing seasons can serve as a reminder that renewal is possible. Like the trees shedding their old leaves in the fall, only to bloom again in spring, we, too, can grow beyond our past. Healing doesn’t happen overnight, just as the grass doesn’t turn green in a day. Step by step, with sunlight and care, transformation comes.

Taking even a few minutes each day to pause and appreciate these seasonal changes can shift our perspective. Notice the warmth of the sun on your face. Listen to the birds sing their welcome back to the world. Breathe in the fresh air from an open window and feel the possibility it carries. Pay attention to the new life emerging all around you: new life breaking through the soil, buds on the trees, early spring blossoms. Gratitude for these small moments rewires our minds, helping us see the goodness that still exists—even in difficult times.

This spring let’s not just clean out our homes—let’s clear space in our hearts. Let’s welcome in the beauty of new beginnings and let go of the things that weigh us down. Renewal is here, waiting for us to embrace it.

Will You?
